Travel Hack: Fitting in Exercising When Traveling

Travel Hack: Fitting in Exercising When Traveling

I don't know about you, but I definitely feel better when I exercise, and although holidays are a time to chill out and unwind, I still want to get a few workouts in to keep me feeling good. However, fitting in an exercise routine while on the go can be a challenge.

At Bundle Beds, we aim to make your travel experiences as good as possible, not only more restful but also help you feel your best when you\re away. We believe that just because you're away from home doesn't mean you should sacrifice your health and fitness. Here are our top tips for fitting in exercise while traveling, with some fantastic resources to help you stay active and energised on the go...

Why Exercise When Traveling?

Exercise when travelling
Nourish Move Love Workout

Exercise makes you feel awesome, and why wouldn't you want that when you're away?! Here's why...

Boosts Energy Levels:

    Regular physical activity increases your energy, helping you to make the most of your travel adventures. 

    Reduces Stress:

      Traveling can be stressful, and exercise is a great way to manage stress and anxiety.

      Improves Sleep:

        A good workout can help you sleep better, which is something that you know we love!

        Top Tips for Fitting in Exercise

        Exercise First Thing in the Morning

          Start your day with a quick workout to ensure you don't skip it later. Whether you're exploring a new city or relaxing at a campsite, getting your exercise done early sets a positive tone for the rest of the day.

          Get the Kids Involved

            If you're traveling with children, turn exercise into a fun family activity. Create challenges or games that get everyone moving. This not only keeps you active but also helps your kids burn off some energy.

            Use Online Resources

              There are excellent online resources to help you stay fit on the go. Here are two of our favorites:

              Nourish Move Love:
                Nourish Move Love At-Home Workouts (for FREE)

                Nourish Move Love Exercises

                Lindsey is such a great motivator and has such a diverse mix of routines, from 10-30 minutes in length, and a mix of different types of workouts. Nourish Move Love is perfect for travellers. You can easily fit these quick sessions into your day, no matter where you are, and she has a load of body weight only or routines using just a band, so no need for loads of equipment or space.

                Shape Pilates:

                  We are completely in love with everything that Gemma does through her Shape Pilates website. She offers an awesome holiday plan as part of her website offerings, which I used when I was on my trip in Asia, and absolutely adored.

                  Shape Pilates Pilates on the Go

                  Shape Pilates

                  The great thing about Pilates is that it is a great way to stay fit and flexible, and you can do it anywhere with minimal equipment.

                  Make Use of Your Surroundings

                    Whether you're staying in a hotel, camping in the wilderness, or visiting family, use your surroundings to your advantage. Go for a run in a nearby park, go for a hike on a local trail, or do bodyweight exercises in your hotel room or campsite.

                    Hiking in the park

                    Keep It Short and Sweet

                      Traveling often means you're short on time. I tend to opt for quick workout routines that can be done in 20 minutes or less. This ensures you get a good workout without taking too much time out of your day.

                      Just like sleep on the go with Bundle Beds, maintaining your fitness routine while traveling doesn't have to be difficult! With a bit of planning and the right resources, you can stay active and healthy no matter where you are. And with a Bundle Bed, you'll ensure a good night's sleep to keep you energised for all your adventures.

                      Happy travels and happy exercising!

                      Are you looking to plan an adventure but don't know where to start? Take a look at our top tips for travel planning. Or read a bit more about how Bundle Beds can really transform a family holiday.  

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